Vitamin C Sustained Release

This is the time of the year, our bodies experience stress due to the change of seasons.
So to keep us at the top of our game we are focusing on Vita C. It is also called
ascorbic acid, which is the form of vitamin C found in most foods. It is a water-soluble
vitamin and cannot be stored in the body. Most plants and animals can produce their
own vitamin C, but humans cannot. For this reason, humans must eat ample amounts of
vitamin C every day.
Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that helps boost the body’s immune system, a
formula that helps maintain natural antioxidant defenses, cell integrity, and the health of
eyes, teeth, gums, bones, muscles, and blood vessels.

You may want to consider adding additional Vitamin C to your diet, if you find yourself
with any of the following:
 Bruise easily
 Bleeding gums
 A smoker
 Take medication
 Stressed?
 And the list goes on

If you experience any of these situations you will want to consider adjusting your vitamin
C intake.

Vitamin C is needed for proper growth, development, and to heal wounds. It is used to
make the collagen tissue for healthy teeth, gums, blood vessels and bones. Since
vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, it is also used to prevent damage to our bodies from
toxicities and pollutants, such as cigarette smoke.

Vitamin C helps protect other nutrients such as A, E and several B vitamins from
oxidation. It also regulates our body’s thermostat, cooling and heating the body through
circulation while promoting circulation through capillaries to fingertips and toes, and think
about it, when you are stressed circulation slows down and you will find that your
fingertips and toes are generally cold. Keep in mind that vitamin C is water soluble so it
needs to be taken throughout the day.

How much Vitamin C do I need in my diet?

Dr. Linus Pauling did extensive research on vitamin C and he states that just to maintain
normal body functions you need 3000 milligrams a day.
Smokers should add an extra 35mg per day to these numbers, because vitamin C is
depleted as an antioxidant in smokers. Additional vitamin C is needed to ensure it’s
other roles are performed.

Shaklee Sustained Release Vita-C®
is a propriety sustained release system that delivers the vitamin C equivalent of eating oneand a half oranges every hour on the hour for five hours. Unlike other sustained released products, Shaklee sustained Vita-C is based on natural gums and waxes, again like other C’s which are mainly ascorbic acid Shaklee Vita-C offers a full biolfavonoid complex.

Remember this……..don’t count on getting your vitamin C from orange juice. Vitamin C is
not stable in liquid and will oxidize after two hours being in liquid.

Avoid Vitamin C Deficiencies: The late Linus Pauling, PhD, found that vitamin C
deficiencies and heart disease often go hand in hand. If you are at risk for developing
heart disease, gradually build up to a daily intake of 3,000 to 6,000 mg, divided into two
or three doses.

Another reason to take Vitamin C: Your brain contains 15 times more vitamin C than
other organs in your body, and it’s vital for memory and mental function. Supplement
with a minimum of 1,000 mg of vitamin C every day.

Do you bruise easily, have bleeding gums, are you a smoker, take medication, are you
stressed? And the list goes on. If you experience any of these situations you will want
to consider adjusting your vitamin C intake.

Vitamin C is needed for proper growth, development, and to heal wounds. It is used to
make the collagen tissue for healthy eyes, teeth, gums, muscles, blood vessels and
bones. Since vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, it is also used to prevent damage to
our bodies from toxicities and pollutants, such as cigarette smoke.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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