What you should know about soy, by Dr. Richard Brouse

What You Need to Know About Soy or How safe is your soy protein? by Dr. Richard Brouse Common Concerns About Soy: Do soybeans cause cancer? It is true that “overcooked” soy does contain “carcinogenic” compounds. When soy is extruded through high temperature, high-pressure steam nozzles to form what is called “textured vegetable protein – …

Soyfoods Review by Dr.Mark Messina

 Soy and Your Health: An Update on the Benefits   By: Mark Messina, PhD   Soyfoods have been a part of Asian diets for centuries. Today, there is a growing interest in these foods among westerners because of their proposed health benefits and also because their versatility makes them valuable for replacing meat and dairy …

No Magic Pill to end Arthritis Pain

Gentle Reader, In the end, and in the beginning, there is only one thing we –you and I– can do to bring lasting health to our aching bodies.  Life style change.  As I travel the Alaska Marine Highway, eat in the cafeteria on board, snack along the wharf in the various Inside Passage towns, I …

Alaska, here we come

Gentle Reader, My sister-in-law, Joan Bell, arrived last Wed. just as I was cleaning the paint residue from the back garden and deck. We were Alaska-bound and she had the excited energy that quivered, “Alaska, here we come.”  Of course, I had a few more things to do to be ready for our Friday morning …

Confessions of an arthritic painting contractor

  Gentle Reader, Confessions of an arthritic painting contractor: Taking down paintings, emptying book shelves, moving furniture, rolling up rugs, pulling up old wall-to-wall carpet, removing electric face-plates and then spackling, sanding, taping, and painting every wall that faces the outside is a sure-fire recipe for arthritic flare-ups of major proportion.  No matter how many …

Joint pain reaction to bee sting

Gentle Reader, The energy retrofit continues this week.  The work took me and one roofer through a yellow jacket nest on the side of my hill.  The result was painful stings.  Mine were on the belly and chest.  The roofer had to be taken to the emergency room for treatment. He became short of breath …

Calming Complex, Toothpaste and Roll-on deodorant for bee stings

What’s behind these products that makes them effective after the redness and itchy results from insect bites?  Bee stings?  Mosquitoes? Wasps? When the reaction is severe, see a doctor immediately.  The after effects can be soothed using these Shaklee products. Enfuselle Calming Complex designed by Shaklee’s scientists for sooth the skin as part of a …