I’m reducing my carbon foot print

Gentle Reader, I am reducing my carbon foot print. My house is organized chaos. All the furnishings are stacked in the middle of each room, covered with sheets. Two young men are drilling holes in the outside walls of every room, caulking the heat registers, the joint where wall meets floor, and every nook where …

Freedom is what I want for you

Gentle Reader, Freedom from living pay check to pay check, from debt, from a schedule you did not create yourself, from worry about the back-to-school expenses and freedom from not being able to give to the people you love:  all these Freedoms and more are on my mind this morning. I just back from Denver …

New approach to hip surgery

Gentle Reader, A dear friend and hiking companion was talking with me yesterday as we climbed to the saddle above Pratt Lake in the Snoqualmie Pass section of the Cascade Mountains.  Her husband, an athletic 71 year old has worn out his hip and finally, after months of thinking it was only a sore knee, …

Managing pain after eye surgery

Gentle Reader, While this blog is primarily about arthritis management, I wanted to use this platform to let you know about managing pain after my recent eye surgery.  I have suffered from impaired vision for several years due to a droopy eye lid condition which is corrected by Blepharoplasty.  Here’s a little video so you can …

Energy Tea, Green, Macha, Roibus, White combination

Cinch Energy Tea Mix 12.08.12 Energy Tea. First: We will look at the ingredients of 180 Energy Tea Mix Next: What are the ingredients Followed by: What are the benefits Concluding with: Shaklee difference This morning we are going to get going and stay going all through the day and to keep us going for …

Energy Pure, Energy Chews

Energy Pure Energy Chews Pure Energy Chews • Shaklee Energy Chews provide a clean burst of healthy energy to help you get that extra edge when you need it most. Each chew contains a scientific blend of caffeine from natural green tea extract, plus L-tyrosine, L-Theanine, B vitamins and Vitamin D3. And there are no artificial flavors, …

Re-hydrating drinks to avoid bonking

Performance® Pure Hydration Drink 6.16.12 First: We will look into a little history and the discovery of Performance Next: Shaklee’s Performance the drink that fueled the impossible Followed by: Endurance Foods Clinical Studies Concluding with: The secret behind Performance It had been done only in legend. Indeed, experts wondered if it could ever be done …

Legs are numb. Now what?

Gentle Reader, The Sunday before leaving for three weeks in France I was standing in the choir and my right leg lost most of its feeling.  It tingled down to the foot.  I could see I was standing.  I could feel my upper body level, but my legs were numb.  All I could think of …