Can an ADD/ADHD study help us?

Gentle Reader, I just read Dr. Steve Chaney’s most recent post which concerns food sensitivities and ADD/ADHA.  The study is carefully done with cross checks for biases and the resultant information is extremely helpful for the parents of children who once might have been identified as “figgitty” and now are sent home for a prescription. …

How can an ADD/ADHA study help us?

When I was a kid we didn’t have all of these fancy words like hyperactivity, ADD and ADHD. If a kid had trouble sitting still and trouble focusing on the task at hand, they were just considered “fidgety”. Now that I’ve dated myself once again, let’s get to the real topic which is: “Can the …

Pyramid or MLM

  Esteemed One, I’ve created a 2 minute video with my thoughts on Pyramid or MLM as an “all-boats-rise-to-the-top” method of beating the 1% at their game, up there on top of their corporate empires. Your life and mine don’t have to fit into this model.  We have an option in MLM, Multilevel Marketing, escape from the Pyramid.  I would love …

4 1/2 hours of driving…Oh, my aching back

Gentle Reader, Six hiking buddies escaped to the cabin of one of us on the Oregon coast just sound of Canon Beach.  The sun shone and the sand was warm, inviting surfers, families and dogs to play even though it was mid week and basically empty of tourists or locals. I was really hurting from …

Is your SSI income holding you back?

Greetings! SSI and Social Security income can hold us back and keep us from venturing into an online internet marketing business. We may think:  I’ll lose my government money if I earn too much.  One year I made the paltry sum of $300. All four of our daughters were in college.  We had scholarship money …

Your pain: could MSG foods be the culprit?

Gentle Reader, A friend and long time customer says “MSG and I are bitter enemies.  Sometimes I get very wiggy in my heart and whole body, as I do when ingesting it, but don’t know why.  Guess I’ll have to take these lists with me shopping and eating out!”  She sent me this link to a …