Why do we work so hard to keep healthy?

Gentle Reader, Ever stop to question why we work so hard to keep ourselves healthy and active? Obviously the main reason is to avoid the pain that comes from neglected arthritis.  That knee pain, back pain, fingers and that thumb that got dislocated skiing years ago, and the old ankle fracture just get cranky if …

Oh, my aching hamstrings

Gentle Reader, What a ski season it is here in the Northwest.  The snow conditions surprise us every Wednesday as my band of 16-24 friends head up to the pass on a big bus (potty included).  It’s a good thing to use this bus company for January and February when the road conditions are dicey …

Is it Woo-Woo?

Gentle Reader, Climbing up a long snowy track on cross country skis yesterday, my companions and I talked about little miracles, ‘woo-woo’ magic, the unexplained healing that sometimes occurs.  The husband of one friend has suffered from arthritis in both ankles for about 5 years, so bad that he could barely walk.  He is in …

Tips for women who have back pain because of osteoporosis

Here they are: Tip #1 Increase your vitamin D3   (more info about Vitamin D3 for bone density here) Tip #2 Add weight bearing exercise to your routine Tip #3 Eat more greens Gentle Reader, You have a sharp pain in your back and can’t remember that you lifted that bag of groceries 3 days ago …

What is Vitamin D?

What is Vitamin D? Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble prohormones, the two major forms of which are vitamin D2 (or ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (or cholecalciferol). Vitamin D obtained from sun exposure, food, and supplements, is biologically inert and must undergo two hydroxylation reactions to be activated in the body. Calcitriol is the active …