My Hands Don’t hurt

Gentle Reader, Today I sat with a group of women doing writing practice.  One lovely person a few years younger than I read aloud when it was her turn and shared her wistful memories of back packing.  Having all she needed in the world for simple shelter, nourishing and simple food, everything necessary in her …

Knee Pain: an early warning sign of Osteoarthritis

Gentle Reader, This is just in from the Johns Hopkins: Knee Pain: An Early Warning Sign of Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting an estimated 27 million people in the United States. By age 40, approximately 90 percent of us have at least some signs of osteoarthritis that can be seen …

But I don’t know how to cook greens!

I keep advising you to eat lots of Swiss chard, collard greens, kale, mustard greens and you say, but I don’t like greens.  Greens are one of the best foods for arthritic joints and arthritis in general.  They provide minerals and help with inflammation. It is possible to cook them so they are delicious. Dark …

How I find time on my “to-do” list for exercise

Gentle Reader, You’re too busy, you say, to exercise.  Here I am at the Shaklee convention in Las Vegas where it is too hot to breath outside and too stale to breath inside the air conditioning.  I’m one of those Northwesterners who lives and breathes in and out nothing but fresh air. We are sitting …

Steps you can take to stop Plantar Fasciitis pain.

Gentle Reader, Has this happened to you? You make a goal to step up your fitness training to prepare for a back packing trip.  Maybe, like me, you have a big hike in your future and your friends are suggesting that you need to train harder for it.  After all, the Alps are high mountains.  …