Diet, Medicine and Supplements for Arthritis, the back story

Gentle Reader, Before going into dietary suggestions, I want to share how I came to hold the beliefs and attitudes I have about allopathic medicine. My father was an Orthopedist.  My mother was a nurse.  They believed in the miracles of medicine.  Mother worked for a General Practitioner during a New York City outbreak of …

Hiking the Wonderland Trail, Mt. Rainier 1990/2006

Gentle Reader, The Goodwill Games brought 2300 athletes from 54 countries to Seattle in the summer of 1990.  My husband, Don Bell, chair of the public forum, Target Seattle: Preventing Nuclear War, in 1982, helped organize the representatives to the games from the Soviet Union.  Our house, a few blocks from the University of Washington …

Pilates for back pain?

Pilates for back pain? Becci announced that after 6 months of attentive Feldenkrais sessions, I was now ready to see Mary Sue Corrado.  Like Becci, Mary Sue is a former dancer and turned to Pilates as a path to help increase body awareness, find pain free exercise movements and improve posture.  After several private lessons …